
"You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility."

- May Parker

Unique Review System

In a world driven by data, it seems like movie reviews have been left behind, with most of the major movie review platforms only letting you review out of 5 or out of 10. With a review system like this, much is left to be desired. The TMREV team has crafted 10 categories each with a 1-10 scale, allowing a user to go more in-depth than ever before. For example, at a glance with TMREV, you could see which movie had the best plot you've seen within the last year or see how your favorite film stacks up to others with thoughtful data visualization.

You can start by selecting the search bar at the top of the page and searching for your desired film. Once you select your film just click the "review movie" button and fill out the scorecard.

Unique Review System explainer

Data Visualization

With more data comes more responsibility for the user and how we present that data. Each movie will display a spider chart that allows a user to gain a vast amount of knowledge at a glance. A user will be able to determine the strong and weak points of a movie and compare their own opinion to the general audience's.

You can start by selecting the search bar at the top of the page and searching for your desired film. Once you select your film, scroll down until you see the “Plotted Reviews” section. If you don't see this, then congratulations! You can be the first person to review this movie. After you review this movie, the chart will appear automatically. After you review this movie then the chart will automatically appear.

Data Visualization explainer


Creating your list is a great way to share a collection of your favorite films, actors, genres, or just anything you can dream up.

You can start by selecting the search bar at the top of the page and searching for your desired film. Once you select your film, just click the "Add to List" button, and you'll be prompted to either create a new list or add to a pre-existing list.

Lists explainer


Keep track of every movie you've seen and look back on them in your user profile.

You can start by selecting the search bar at the top of the page and searching for your desired film. Once you select your film, just click the "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" button to confirm that you've seen this movie before. You'll be able to view this list from your profile page (The last button on the side navigation).

Watched explainer

Profile Preview

You can now look into the mind of a fellow movie reviewer with the profile preview. This will give you the ability to quickly see what a user's top ten favorite and least favorite movies are, and you'll also be able to view a user's public lists they have created.

You can start by selecting the search bar at the top of the page and searching for a user. Once you select a user, you'll be taken directly to the profile preview page.

Profile Preview explainer

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